The music ministry at Trinity has been an integral part of the church life for many decades. There presently are a variety of musical offerings to suit everyone’s tastes. Thoughtful planning by former musicians and church members has provided a beautiful and resourceful space in which we prepare for weekly services and other musical events. The music ministry at Trinity is comprised of a number of choirs and ensembles that function primarily from September through May. During the summer months these groups take a much-needed vacation providing an opportunity for soloists, both vocal and instrumental, to assist in leading the music during worship. To help you decide what facet of the Trinity music program most interests you, a listing of the various choirs and ensembles has been provided for your convenience. For more information on any musical ensemble, please call the church office at (717) 637-2233.

Sanctuary Choir

This ensemble sings most every Sunday. A wide variety of music from all sacred music genres is rehearsed every Thursday evening from 7:30pm until approximately 9:00pm. The choir always participates in Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter, and Christmas Eve services as well as the occasional community-wide events such as the Good Friday service. We welcome anyone who enjoys singing from 7th grade and up to join us! No audition necessary.

Cherub Choir

The cherub choir is for children ages 4-10. The kids usually sing during worship the second Sunday of each month. Rehearsal time is Monday evenings from 6:30-7:00pm.

Trinity Ringers

The Trinity Ringers have been a vital part of the music ministry for more than 25 years and involve as many as 13 ringers handling up to five octaves of bells and three octaves of choir chimes on any given Sunday. There is no audition, however, the ability to read music is helpful. Rehearsal times are generally Thursday evenings from 6:15pm until 7:20pm. The Trinity Ringers do not rehearse during the summer months.

Trinity Orchestra

The Trinity orchestra is comprised of individuals who play brass, string, or wood-wind instruments. The orchestra provides the music leadership during worship several Sundays a year between the period of September through May. The orchestra plays all the service music including a prelude, offertory, and postlude. Rehearsal times vary and the music selected does not have a high degree of difficulty. Music is made available for orchestra members ahead of time in preparation for the rehearsal. Members should be at least 5th grade and up.